Contact Us

Leave your contact information and questions below in our contact form and we will have a VIP Tour guide reach out very soon.

    Requested Park Virtual Tours
    Disney World, FloridaDisneyland,California

    Requested Park In-Person Tours
    Disney WorldUniversal Studios/Islands of AdventureSeaWorldLEGOLAND

    Requested Tour Dates
    Start Date:

    End Date:

    By submitting, you agree to be contacted by Elite Orlando VIP Tours through email and phone information you have provided.

    Our Elite Orlando VIP Story

    Mickey Mouse and Friends on Main Street

    Why our team is so passionate!

    Our team recognizes that planning a theme park vacation can be challenging and stressful. You can put your anxieties behind you with a private Elite Orlando VIP tour. Our tour hosts will help you accomplish more in a few hours than most families will complete in an entire day. Making sure your experience is as seamless and amazing as possible is our top priority!